Ergomasif – Άνεση & ασφάλεια στον χώρο 

Every day, we spend about 90% of our time indoors, at home or at work, and we breathe an average of 22,000 times. screens allow us to leave the frames open, having a more direct contact with the environment.

At the same time, the natural ventilation of our space is allowed, while at the same time we get rid of annoying insects.

Depending on the construction, we have a choice of:

  • Fixed and superimposed screens with an aluminum guide.
  • Electric screens with wireless or wired motor
  • For areas with strong wind there is the possibility of a screen with an anti-wind axis and crawler

Vertical motion sieves

The vertical movement screen is an ideal choice for windows. Available in 41mm and 32mm boxes. Its operation is manual and its return is by spring. To close it, it is immobilized at the bottom with the help of specially designed stoppers.

The product is made with gray fiberglass cloth. Other types of fiberglass sails are available based on your needs.

For the smooth return of the screen, there is a standard deceleration mechanism (brake). The profiles are electrostatically painted in any shade of RAL or wood imitation.

An anti-wind brush is placed on the side guides for protection from the wind.

Certification: CE marking based on EN 13561:2014

σήτα κάθετης κίνησης

Horizontal movement pleated sieves

The horizontal movement screen is an ideal choice for balcony doors. It is manually operated, has a pleated cloth and a very low bottom guide. To close it, it is immobilized with a magnet. The product is made with gray or black P.E.T

Certification: CE marking based on EN 13561:2014

σήτα κάθετης κίνησης

Horizontal movement screens with straight cloth and crawler

Η σήτα οριζόντιας κίνησης με ίσιο πανί και ερπύστρια αποτελεί την ιδανική λύση για τις μπαλκονόπορτες. Λειτουργεί χειροκίνητα και διαθέτει ίσιο πανί και ερπύστρια. Η επαναφορά της γίνεται με ελατήριο.
Για το κλείσιμο της, ακινητοποιείται είτε με μαγνήτη ή με κλείστρο γάντζου ανάλογα με την επιλογή σας.

Το προϊόν κατασκευάζεται με γκρι ή μαύρο πανί P.Ρ Τα προφίλ βάφονται ηλεκτροστατικά σε οποιαδήποτε απόχρωση RAL ή απομίμησης ξύλου.

Certification: CE marking based on EN 13561:2014

σήτα κάθετης κίνησης

Opening door

The opening screen is an ideal choice for kitchen doors or doors with frequent passage. It works manually with the help of hinges while for its automatic reset there is a standard reset hinge. Its closure is done with a magnet.

Το προϊόν κατασκευάζεται με γκρι πανί fiberglass.Υπάρχει δυνατότητα και άλλων τύπων πανιών fiberglass όπως επίσης PET SCREEN για τα κατοικίδια.
Τα προφίλ βάφονται ηλεκτροστατικά σε οποιαδήποτε απόχρωση RAL ή απομίμησης ξύλου.

Certification: CE marking based on EN 13561:2014

σήτα κάθετης κίνησης

icon 1All our frames are accompanied by leading international certifications of correct operation

icon2Our top priority is meeting the agreed delivery times

icon 3 afterWe provide after sales service, from our company's workshops or from authorized partners

icon 4 toolsWe completely undertake the construction measures and the installation of the frames